Sunday, April 13, 2014

Review: Eyes of Magic by S.A. Archer S. Ravynheart


Rise of the Unseelie Series #3

by S.A. Archer & S. Ravynheart

Publisher: Ravynheart Publishing (April 2012)
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Adult
Format: eNovella (66 pages)
Source: Free book from author for honest review
Find It: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noblicon
Rating: ★★★★★ (5 stars)
He's defective. Damaged. Malcolm knows he is. How could he not be, after a year of torture in the belly of a goblins' nest? The only magic he can do is the Touch, a perverted magic he despises and learned at the end of a whip. Everyone else in the Glamour Club has loads of magic, but not him. He doesn't fit it. But if he can't find his magic, and his place among the Sidhe, then where could he go? And what if those that enslaved him before came after him again?
At A Glance
It's been forever since I read an Archer and Ravynheart book and, boy, have I been missing out. I almost forgot how great their books are.

The Good
Poor Malcolm. I swear, what he went through in Scars of Silver is not even bearable. Torture of every kind. But he is free, he has been rescued. But his year from hell might have damaged him beyond repair. Because it seems his Sidhe magic is gone. Spending a year being raped and butchered is horrible, but coming out of it missing the one thing that makes you who you are, it's just devastating. As you can imagine, Malcolm does not take it well. And to make matters worse, no one seems to understand his dilemma. All he can see is magic around him coming from the 'normal' Sidhe. And seeing that magic might literally be driving him crazy.

It was so hard to watch Malcolm struggle. It's like even with him being set free, he was not really free. It was heartwarming to see the other Sidhe trying to include him, make him feel at home. But we learn that Malcolm is different, in a very good, and a very scary way. EEEE, so excited to see what he is capable of in the rest of the series.

We also get face time with Donovan and some of the gang, but Malcolm's story stole the show. But I did see a very caring and supportive side to Donovan that wow'ed me. He really took Malcolm under his wing and helped him in every way he could.

We get to see a whole different side of magic in this book. Through Malcolm's eyes we saw the flow, ebb, and power each Sidhe has. It was effing amazing and beautiful. And a little freaky.

The Bad
Nothing! Well, the only thing that sucks is you can't read and understand this book without reading the whole series. So it's not a standalone.

The Snuggly
Even though this is an adult book, nothing too sexual happens. Most anyone could read it but it does feel very adult with its content. This is also not a romantic book, which worked for me.

Final Thoughts
I would suggest this series and the whole mother series (5 ebooks per series, three series all together, all of them interconnecting) to anyone who loves urban fantasy and fae. The characters are so unique and the action is damn awesome. Very recommended.
“Show me what you got,” he snarled at his reflection. “You think you belong here? You think you got magic? Prove it!”  

“Bloody, noisy fey. Someone was always awake. Always making a racket or shooting off sparks or reeking of some stench or something else equally annoying. “You're driving me bonkers!”  

Rise of the Unseelie Series (My reviews):
Book #1: Aftershock
Book #2: Scars of Silver


  1. Wow, five stars..and no bad? Well except that I know need to buy book one. This sounds different for UF, and I am glad it will appeal to different age groups. Wonderful review Jennifer

    1. Yeah, this series just really appeals to me, but I do get nervous for other people to read it because it is different and they are all novellas, so....

  2. That dude on the cover is so frickin' dreamy! I'm reading a fae book too, loving it, if only I'm not booked I'd make a fae party out of it and read this after. Will wishlist this for now

    1. Make sure to wishlist all the books in all three series. They are all novellas though, so hopefully you like that.

  3. Wow! 5 stars?! I need to get this now!

    1. I would be so interest to see how you would like these books.

  4. You got me with recommended for anyone that loves Urban Fantasy and Fae since those are my two favorite things ever. Wow, the story sounds so intense. I can totally tell how he wouldn't be free even though he is because memories live with you forever. Great review! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    1. I think you will love these series. So up your alley. Very grungy feeling but great stories and characters.

  5. 5 stars, huh? Color me intrigued. They aren't very long books, so they should be easy to fly through. I'll have to look into these ... where it all begins.

    1. They go by so fast since they are all novellas. It's nice between books when you don't want to read another whole novel but want a fast, exciting read.

  6. I'd never even heard of these authors, but the first two books in this series are FREE, so I got both of them ;)

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    1. OMG, that's awesome. Tell me what you think when you read them.

  7. I'm going to have to pick up this series, Jennifer. It sounds amazing! I recently read Secrets of the Dark by these authors and enjoyed it a lot. Great review!

  8. Ooooh! You finally got to the reads. :D Glad to hear you loved it!! :D

  9. Another good book! you are doing well!


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