Sunday, May 11, 2014

ARC Review: Renegade by Debra Driza (& Happy Mother's Day)



MILA 2.0 Series #2

by Debra Driza

Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books (May 13, 2014)
Genre: Dystopia, Sci-Fi, Young Adult
Format: eARC (448 pages)
Source: Free book from publisher (Edelweiss) for honest review
Find It: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository
Rating: ★★★½☆ (3.5 stars)
There is no one left for Mila to trust. Except for a boy she barely knows.

But Hunter has no idea who—and what—Mila really is. She can’t bear to reveal her secret, even though he’s unwittingly joined her search for Richard Grady, a man who may know more details of Mila’s complicated past.

Yet the road to the truth is more dangerous than ever. With General Holland and the Vita Obscura scouring the earth for her whereabouts, Mila must rely on her newfound android abilities to protect herself and Hunter from imminent harm. Still, embracing her identity as a machine leads her to question the state of her humanity—as well as Hunter’s real motives.

Perfect for fans of I Am Number Four and Divergent, this action-packed and heart-wrenching second installment of MILA 2.0 will leave readers breathlessly awaiting the series conclusion.
At A Glance
That ending, hell yeah! But the beginning, meh.

The Good
Wow, this is going to have to be another stream of consciousness review because I just sat here for 30 minutes not knowing what to say. I am drawing a huge blank. And it's not because this book was bad, quite the opposite. Even though the first two-thirds were a little slow for me, there were so many parts that I loved. I loved Hunter and Mila together, even if they were kind of up and down. They were just both so cute, all shy and uncertain. They did grow closer together and, by the end, I could really see them being a real couple.

But what I really want to talk about is the last one-third of the book. OMG. So much hope, so much love, so much acceptance. And then Debra ripped my effing heart out, and I loved every minute of it! I have to admit, I was a bit fooled. I wasn't sure how to take the new changes, but I had so much hope that it would all work out. And, oh, how things got worse. Then the cliffhanger! Best cliffhanger ever! And you guys know how much I hate cliffhangers. Not this one. It just worked. And now I literally hurt having to wait for the next book to come out.

The action, writing, and dialogue all worked for me. I think the direction of the series is perfect now that we are getting somewhere.

The Bad
Even though there were interesting moments, the first two-thirds were a little boring. Not like "I don't want to finish this book" boring, but "Hmm, more could be happening" boring. Easy to put down but it didn't take me long to pick the book back up either. I think a lot had to do with the whole beginning being a road trip, which I hate road trips in books.

The Snuggly
Hunter and Mila were pretty on and off throughout the book so it was hard to fully enjoy their romance but I did anyway. They just seem like a great potential couple. I did love how close they had become by the end.

Just some kissing, so appropriate for a YA audience.

Final Thoughts
For me, the last part of the book was worth the whole slow beginning. Still loving the characters and still loving the story. Recommended.
Can't quote from the ARC, sorry.
MILA 2.0 Series:
Book #1: MILA 2.0
Book #2: Renegade

If you have seen Land Before Time, then you just cried a little from this GIF. Happy Mother's Day again!


  1. Ahh! Love the mother's day gif :)

    Anyhoo, it sucks that this one was rather unevenly spread out as you found the first 2/3 boring. I haven't read this series yet but probably will because I do adore the sound of the characters.

    Lovely review! <33

    1. I still think the series and book is so worth it. It was just a little boring.

  2. I agree with so much of what you said! The beginning was a bit meh, but there were flashes of cuteness in there with Mila and Hunter together. But t he end is really where it took off!! O_O

    1. I swear, the whole book was worth the ending. Mind-effing-explosion!

  3. I read a lot of mixed review about this one and I confess that I'm not sure about it... I'm glad you had a better time with it though.

    1. The series is really good though. I would suggest it.

  4. ah sorry the first part was boring! But glad you stuck it out, cause it sounds like it left you a bit speechless ;)

    1. So speechless. I still get the tingles just thinking about it today.

  5. The first book kind of got on my nerves. I got this one, but changed my mind about wanting to read it. Hmmm ... maybe if the mood hits me I'll read it.

    1. Hmm, well if you didn't like the first one I am not sure how you would like this one to be honest.

  6. Well, this is up next and I will remember to push through the beginning.

    1. It won't be too hard knowing that ending is coming. :)

  7. I've read you saying that about another Cliffhanger that I knew that I enjoyed despite it being a CLIFFHANGER so I'm guessing that it really makes the story work. Love the review! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    1. Was it Opal? I forget. But yes, I think you would love this Cliffhanger too.

  8. Hmmm . . . I don't know if I'm going to continue this series or not. I really wasn't much impressed with the first book, and this one doesn't sound a lot better (what with the slow and cliffhanger). Maybe I'll come back to it when the series is finished . . . Glad you liked it though ;)

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    1. If you didn't like the first book then you won't like this one.

  9. This series sounds so good. It's got me curious. :) Thank you! So glad you are enjoying on in the series. :)


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