Thursday, November 22, 2012

Follow Friday #49: Blogger Love

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow!

Question: Are you thankful for a fellow blogger? Tell us about him or her.
Answer: This is an easy one for me. I am thankful for two bloggers. First, I am thankful to Sarah at She was one of my first true blogger friends. She has helped me on my blogging adventure (both technically and emotionally) and has reawakened my love for YA books. And she is freakin' hilarious.

I am also thankful to Ashley at She is amazing at all the techy stuff when it comes to blogging. The stuff she has taught me is mind blowing. But she is also the only other fellow book blogger who I have met personally. I have found so many great books because of her. She is the sweetest person EVER!


These are my two best blogger friends. Without them it wouldn't be as much fun.

Let me know if you follow me in your comment so I can follow you back.


  1. This is a great question, I think. Gets us all to take a look at blogs we might be missing. :)

    Old Follow via GFC, New Follow via Network Blogs

    Julie~ New Adult Addiction

    1. I think so too. It's a great way to get us looking at new blogs.

  2. Think there are different questions for both blogs but ehh they focus on the same subject! xD And it's also awesome that you found such awesome blogger friends! Meeting new people is definitely one of my fave parts of blogging! New GFC follower!

    Here's my #FF

    1. I saw the questions were a bit different. Oh well.

      I feel so happy to have made so many great friends in the blogger world.

  3. I am new on the blogging scene, but I actually love your blog. It's fast becoming one of my faves!

  4. Hi there new follower GFC. I will be sure to check both those blogs out.

  5. Aww..both of these bloggers are lovely. Happy Thanksgiving Cupcake :)

  6. Nice! These blogs are new to me but will have to check them out!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. This was very sweet of you. I don't know Sarah, but I know about the special relationship to "your first real blogging friend". =)
    I know I'm just getting to know Ashley lately, but I already think she's a great person. And knowing she can help out with the tech stuff (because I'm better than most, but I'm still learning!) is a big plus. ;)

    1. Ash is like the best ever when it comes to tech stuff. But she is also the most friendliest person ever.

  8. Aww you are so sweet Jennifer!! *hugs* :))

  9. Those blogs look very interesting! I am your new follower and will definitely come back to your blog to check it out more :) Thanks for sharing the bloggers :)


  10. New follower wow its amazing to me just how many other bloggies I haven't seen yet that are out there I love that questions shows them off a little. Great answer.

  11. Thanks! for sharing.

  12. I love these two blogs, so great picks! :) Their layouts are pretty ^^

    Old follower.

  13. I'll definitely check out these blogs!
    Old Follower! :)
    <a href="> Kristen @OCA </a>

  14. Aww! That's so sweet, I will be checking these two blogs out :D

    Old Follower!
    Kayla @ Bengal Reads

    "Click Here" to check out my #FF post!


I appreciate all comments and read every one of them. I also make sure to visit your site as well if you have one. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.