Thursday, November 29, 2012

Follow Friday #50: Book Crush

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow!

Question: Activity! Who is your to-die-for book crush? What do you think they look like? Add an image to make us all happy.
Answer: My to-die-for crush has been the same for two years now. I am in love with Curran Lennart from the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. I love everything about him. He's not the most good looking or the most eloquent, but dear God, that Beast Lord has passion and charisma like no other. I got the description of Curran from the author's website:
Age: 31
Gender: male
Height: 5’11
Build: muscular, defined, gives off a sense of coiled strength about to explode
Hair: blond, typically cut short except during the flare when it grows into a mane within a few days
Eyes: grey, luminescent with gold when excited or angry. Curran’s gaze is extremely difficult to hold.
Skin: naturally pale, but he tends to bake himself in the sun every chance he gets
Distinguishing marks: broken nose that didn’t quite heal right, very unusual for shapeshifter
Beast Form: an enormous grey lion, striped with darker grey, like smoke blown against grey velvet.

CSI: Librarian posted this picture of Jessie Pavelka as the closest to a Curran look-a-like and I have to agree.

Please let me know if you followed me in your comment so I can follow you back. Happy Friday!


  1. I have heard so much about this series and need to read it. Everyone seems to be in love with Curran. I feel like I am missing out on so much!

    Old follower!

    S from Oh! Paper Pages

    1. You are missing out. This is my fav series of all time. It is a must read.

  2. Another series I need to read, loving the eye candy this week.

    happy weekend!

    My FF

  3. Mr. Pavelka is HOT! I haven't read the Kate Daniels series yet but if he looks like that then damn I need to read those books soon.

  4. *Swoon.* Great pick! My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! :D

  5. Hopping through. Well now that I think of Pavelka when I think of Ilona's books I'm definitely going to read them!
    My Hop

  6. Beast Lord. I love that title! I'll have to look into this series! Thanks so much for stopping by & I'm a new follower :D

    -Novel Reveries

  7. I haven't read that series, but love the pic and stats. Old follower, hopping through.

  8. I haven't read that series, but I love that photo ;)

    Old follower.

    My FF post

    Delirious About Books

  9. OOoh I likie! Don't know this real life dude but he would make a perfect character representation for anyone! Haha! Okay, not just anyone, it has to be a good pick, but very very nice!!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  10. OMG you made Curran so much hotter for me just now. I always had a weird impression of his physical appearance, and never really got far when I tried to imagine what he looked like, but I think.. now.. Herher. Thank you for that! ;D

    Patricia // My Hop

    1. LOL. It has been hard for me to picture him too. Curran might not be as yummy but this guy gives a nice visual.

  11. I haven't read that series yet, but it is on my TBR, and with that picture in mind, it mind actually motivate me to start it quicker ;)

    I am already following via Linky. Here's my to-die-for FF post

  12. Nice photo, but you can't have him because he's MINE (Curran I mean). It's that edge of insanity and danger that I adore about him.

    1. Oh yes, the danger and the edge of insanity is just as hot. But we now must fight over him because he is MINE. You pick the weapons.

    2. I'll just go and steal Kate's sword and then I'm ready to fight anytime.

    3. Noooo, that was my idea. Crap. Okay, let me think. Maybe I can get something from Andrea.

      Oh, and good luck trying steal from Kate, You are going to get your butt kicked so bad. I will hide in the corner and watch. :)

  13. WoW!

    Hello from a New Follower ~ My FF

    Heather ~ Books Books and More Books

  14. Hi, from a new follower!

    Yet another new series for my TBR pile! :)

  15. Oh my....he's HOT! Following via GFC....

    My FF:

  16. I have yet to meet Curran, but he sounds purrfect. *love me some shapeshifter* And Jessie Pavelka? Yum~

    New follower!
    My FF

  17. Wow, very nice visual and description. This is now in my TBR. New Follower :D

    JC's Book Haven

    My FF. Happy Friday!

  18. I never hear of that one, hope you liked it. :) Sounds like a good one though, lol. Will certainly check into it.

    FF Hop Post

  19. I scrolled down slow-ly in anticipation and the pic didn't disappoint.
    Liked you on FB.

  20. Sounds like I definitely need to read this series :)

  21. Ooh yummy! I haven't read this series but I definitely need to add it into my TBR list!

    ~New GFC Follower~

    Kayla @ The Ramblings of a Toddler’s Mom


I appreciate all comments and read every one of them. I also make sure to visit your site as well if you have one. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.