Saturday, November 17, 2012

Stacking The Shelves #12: Blood and Dancing

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews, is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual.
It's been a while since I bought any books. Well I got some gift cards and decided to splurge a bit. The first shipment of my books came today. Yaaay!.I also won a book and received one for review.

Have you read any of these books? Which one should I read first? Leave a link so I can check out what you got this week.


  1. OOh nice! Heard of some of these but haven't read any of them. Congrats on your win! Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Squeee Stormdancer!! I'm kind of jealous that you have a finished copy and I don't! It's such a gorgeous cover. I want to lick it. I stil have yet to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone.. I feel like that one lonely soul off in the corner who hasn't read it LOL!

    1. You are the only person who has yet to read it, lol. It is a must read.

      I finally caved and got Stormdancer. I am so excited.

  3. I read Changeling Moon and enjoyed it. It's a pretty typical shifter story, but the writing is good and I liked the characters and the setting. I definitely want to continue the series and Changeling Dream sounds like it's got a hero that I would love - just have too many books on my TBR mountain.

    1. I know what you mean. With the huge TBR pile. There is not enough time to read all these books.

  4. My blogmate loves Dani Harper's series and she made sure I bought the first book. I hope you like it!

    Paranormal Haven

    1. Ooooh, now I am really excited. Thanks for letting me know.

  5. Great Haul! I'm going to wait on your review of 'blood and starlight' before i decide whether to read it or not ~ you might just have to tell me what happens :)

  6. I have Blood and Srarlight too but I prefer your cover, I have th UK one!

    My Haul! Letterbox Love!

    1. I have noticed that I like the US covers more than I like the UK covers on most books. Is it just me?

  7. I got Days of Blood and Starlight last week. Great haul of books. Come visit me too.


  8. I have Stormdancer and Days of Blood and Starlight but don't when I'll get the chance to read them.. :) Great haul!

    My Haul!

  9. I soo want to read Storm Dancer and DOBAS!!! I met Laini Taylor last week and she is super nice! I cant wait to see your reviews and I love your blog!

    My WOW

    Sorry I have to post the whole link but I have no idea how to post the link where you can click on it.

  10. Nice! I have read that Stormdancer is awesome and I haven't read the Laini Taylor books yet, but they are supposedly off the hook as well. Enjoy :)

  11. Great books this week. Love the cover of Days of Blood and Starlight, haven't started this series yet, but need to I think. Please come by and check out My Mailbox.

  12. Blood and Starlight... I'm really curious about this whole series, those covers are just so intriguing! And Stormdancer has been on my radar for a while, I hope you like that one. Girls with swords just rock! ^^
    I'm checking out Gamers, because I am one. Should be very interesting! Thanks for the rec!
    My Haul

  13. Great books! I haven't read Stormdancer, and haven't read the first book Daughter of Smoke and Bone yet. I look forward to your review of Stormdancer though.

    My STS Post

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books

  14. Stormdancer is WONDERFUL! Word of warning though it has a lot of world-building at the beginning, I know it's put some people of but it's so worth continuing.


I appreciate all comments and read every one of them. I also make sure to visit your site as well if you have one. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.