Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Guest Post & Giveaway: Angelfire by Hanna Peach

Today I have a fun little treat. Hanna Peach, author of the urban fantasy/paranormal novel Angelfire (Dark Angel #1), has provided us with a guest post about something that terrifies her more than death and how she incorporates this into her writing. Interested yet? Yeah, I thought so. :) Hanna was also kind enough to offer up an ebook of Angelfire for one lucky winner. Enter the giveaway below.
An army of angels walk among us. They have kept us safe and ignorant, so far.

Earthbound for centuries and ruled by the Elders, they have established hidden cities, a society and The Code: obey your Elders, kill all demons, eliminate Rogue-angels, protect the mortals, remain hidden. Their warriors are the ungifted earthborn angels armed with blades and the ‘borrowed magics’ of distilled angel-blood tattoos.

Alyxandria is a young warrior with a fondness for customized knives and illegal night-races. If only she could overcome the taint of her parents who abandoned her to become Rogues.

When Alyx saves Israel, a gifted mortal with a past, she is forbidden to see him again. But she can’t help herself, drawn to him through their Guardian-bond, an ancient and long-forgotten bond; if he dies, she dies.

An encounter with a handsome Rogue leaves Alyx questioning all she has been taught to believe. Alyx begins to dig into the Elders’ secrets. Two thousand years of secrets that begin with the death of the Archangel Raphael. She is not prepared when she uncovers an Elder’s dark plan.

Somewhere on earth is a key to unlock hell. Somewhere on earth are pieces of an amulet that controls Lucifer and his army. Somehow Israel is the link and now both sides are after him. Who can Alyx trust when Good and Evil is no longer clear?

The war for earth begins.

Telling Him
by Hanna Peach
I’ve heard that the thing that people fear most is public speaking. For me… the communication is more intimate. It’s telling someone, that one person, how I really feel about them. This terrifies me more than death. And apparently, it terrifies me more than dying alone because I still haven’t been able to do it.
Why not? What’s so terrifying? It’s just my feelings. It’s just my soul bared, naked, exposed to the one person who has the most power to crush it… haha
Anyway, so I’m a writer, I have this issue. What do I do about it? I write it into one of my characters, of course. Let them blunder through it, mess things up, tear things apart with it, then work through it.
(Writing, it’s the new free therapy.)

Taken from Angelfire
It is crushing to be so flippant about her feelings for him. How her heart begs instead to let itself be heard by him. Tell him, it cries, tell him how he makes you feel.
No, her mind replies, he doesn’t feel the same way.
Tell him anyway...

Maybe this scene has been stolen from the silence between two of my heartbeats. Maybe I have breathed within this moment. Maybe.
The difference with writing is that I, more or less, get to control Alyx and Israel’s ending. Within some conventions, of course. I can’t let the lovers get to the ending without some heartache and some obstacles and some growth. And indeed, none of us get through life without some heartache and some obstacles and some growth. But at least, with the ending of a story you must get some satisfaction, a resolution, happy ever after or not. But in life… who knows. My ending is still unwritten.
Author Bio
A writer of fantastical things, especially stories with fangs, magic or wings.

I want to tell you tales that will rip away the glamour from your life, keep you running and fighting and gasping long past the devil’s hour and maybe, just maybe, reality will look a little bit different when you return.
Sit with me around this witchlight. Let me tell you a story.

Purchase at AMAZON
Enter for a chance to win the Urban Fantasy/Paranormal ebook Angelfire. Choice between ePub or Kindle. This is an international giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Love the cover for this one - it's so pretty! Know what you mean about being scared of talking to a specific person, my mum scares thE hell out of me!

  2. The cover is cool and the book sounds interesting. Great guest post and thanks for the great giveaway!

  3. I need to start writing too - could get some of my thoughts and fears straight (maybe!) lol - great guest post and the book sounds like fun. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I also feed my writing with a lot of my emotions and problems. It helps.

  4. What a great guest post, I think we all fear exposing our emotions on some level and being vulnerable.

  5. I love the cover of this book. The character on the cover seems very androgynous. It's hard to tell if they are male or female. Plus, I love the color scheme. Definitely something that would draw my eye to this book if I saw it on a shelf.

    1. I know. It drew my eye right away. The colors are amazing.

  6. Great post. And I have to say that cover grabbed my attention right away. Great cover! :D Thank you!

    1. Happy to hear it. I knew when I saw that cover people were going to love it and take a chance on the book.

  7. The cover is gorgeous, really eye-catching, plus the story sounds interesting. Thanks for this giveaway. Happy Holidays!

  8. I love the cover and synopsis of Angelfire and am really looking forward to the read. Thank you for your generosity and sharing :)

  9. Angelfire captured my attention instantly with its striking, eye-catching cover! I love the origonal storyline and it is something that does apeal to me and which if seen in a shop, i would definately pluck from the shelf. Thank you Jennifer for another amazing giveaway. x

    Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

    1. :) I do so love the cover too. Hope you get a chance to read it.

  10. Thank you for all your kinds words. Didn't my cover artist do such an awesome job?! much love, Hanna

  11. Thanks for including those of us that don't live in the USA in this giveaway! I love the sound of the book and am keeping my fingers crossed :)

  12. You always have some amazing giveaways. I love coming here just to see what's new! Thanks for another awesome giveaway!

  13. I know they say don't judge a book by its cover but I love the cover so I can't help it lol. The description also reminds me a little of "Supernatural" :-) Thanks for the giveaway!!

    susiebranum (at) ymail (dot) com


I appreciate all comments and read every one of them. I also make sure to visit your site as well if you have one. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.