Sunday, August 10, 2014

Kindle & Nook Freebies #92

Kindle Freebies
Click image to be taken to Amazon page. These are free as of post time, I cannot guarantee they will be free the whole day.

I am looking forward to Reckless and Rock the Viper.
Nook Freebies
Which ebooks did you grab? Have you read any of these before?


  1. Thanks for sharing. I picked up Good Girl Gone Plaid.

  2. Thanks, I'm not getting anything this week though, my book belly is full *burp*

  3. Grabbed a couple of these. Thanks for gathering these together. I posted some on my Sunday post too and they are all different!

  4. Woot. Thanks for sharing Jennifer. Sorry I have been absent the summer has been hectic with planning my daughter's wedding.

  5. The Crux looks good too. Thanks so much for sharing :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

  6. The Faerie Guardian was a good read!


I appreciate all comments and read every one of them. I also make sure to visit your site as well if you have one. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.