Saturday, August 23, 2014

This Blog Has Moved to Bad Bird Reads

If for some reason you are not redirected, this blog has moved and changed it's name to Bad Bird Reads (


  1. Never heard of the server
    'BadBirdReads'. Gotta! Wanna!
    Lemme! check-it-out!!! ---> In the
    meantime, check-me-out, babe:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, gorgeous wildflower...

  2. Dijoo put that gaming URL from
    Singapore, girly-withe-curly??
    Completely whorizontal forgetting
    who made those wee mortals.
    God! Bless! Em!!!


I appreciate all comments and read every one of them. I also make sure to visit your site as well if you have one. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.