Friday, August 15, 2014

This Blog is Moving to Wordpress and Getting a New Name!

Yes, it's true. Some of you may already know, but I am finally making the move to Wordpress. I have put it off long enough. I also decided to change my blog name. And I am scared shitless! This is already so overwhelming for me. I swear I literally want to throw up from being nervous. I am no good with change, especially with change that requires a lot of moving parts. There is so much I will have to alter within my blog and on other accounts to get my new blog name all synced up.

I know some of you have gone through this before, some just with the Wordpress move and some with changing their blog name. I would really appreciate if you guys could share any suggestions or words of wisdom. Maybe something I might not think of that I need to get on top of right now. OMG, I am so freaking freaked out right now!!!!

Obviously I went with Ashley from NoseGraze for my new blog design, the Wordpress move, and as my website host. There was no one else I would trust to do all this for me and do it right. Though, I must admit, I know I am not the ideal client. I ask way too many questions and ask for way too much. I think Ashley and I have already exchanged about 100 emails. I know, I am horrible. But Ashley has been so nice about my anal-retentive ways.

So, the official move date is Saturday, August 16th. Yup, tomorrow. Oh God, shoot me right now, it's all happening so fast! My blog is going to look completely different. I am not going to share a picture because I want you guys to be surprised. But I can give you a hint, I stuck with the crow/raven theme.

And as for the new blog name.....drumroll please........:
Bad Bird Reads
Yup, I know, a little weird, but it totally fits me. And it has a cool backstory which I am not going to share because I know it will drive you guys crazy. Buwahahaha. I am being evil right now because I am about to hyperventilate from the stress.

I hope you guys will bare with me as the transition progresses. I am hoping that I can get most things settled throughout next week. Please make sure to watch out for my new blog name in your feeds, email, or whatever.

I wanted to thank all of you who have stuck with me through all the weird and funny moments. Through the technical issues and blog glitches. Through the awkward times when I talked way too much about sex scenes and got way too heated over my hate-on for certain books. And guess what? All that will still be there and much more with Bad Bird Reads. You will see some of the old and some of the new. Right now I am just going with the flow since I rather set myself on fire than do this whole move and name change thing. But, hey, I signed up for it, so I must grin and bare it.

I am going to miss Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and Romance. Even though the name is waaaaaaay too long, it has done me good these past (almost) three years. But I feel like I am ready for Bad Bird Reads

WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!!!! No, this is okay, it will all be okay. Just sing your happy song, Jennifer. "Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy Joy, Happy Happy Joy Joy..."

Yes, I realize the GIF Genie threw up in here, but, you know, I wanted to go out with class!
Oh, and check me out at My Words and Pages where I wrote a guest post about my top 5 romances this last year. Happy Blogoversary Melissa!
Stay tuned for Bad Bird Reads!


  1. I know how scary this is! I went through the same last year. I love the new name! It's original and not as long as the one you have now. It also doesn't limit you to reviewing those genres on your blog.

    Ashley really is the best person to help you with this and I can't wait to see the new design.

    1. I love that it doesn't limit my reading genres. That always bugged me.

  2. oh wow that's a big change, I'm curious to see your new blog and good luck with everything!

  3. I hope you do eventually share the story of Bad Bird Reads because I'm so curious! You're working with Ashley, so everything will be super smooth and perfect! See you at the new site :)

    1. hehe, I may share the story one day. :) And Ashley is making everything very easy.

  4. I remember when I changed my blog name. I had such a mixture of fear and excitement. Then when I actually made the switch I was like, "What? It's happening ALREADY?" I felt like it was such a huge moment to me, but the actual switch took all of 2 minutes.

    I know WordPress will be a huge change. I think it's important that you accept it will be different, and don't be hasty with your judgments. I know some people who switch from Blogger to WordPress, see that it's different, and freak out a little. They decide that they don't like it, just because it's different and they don't give it much of a chance. Different can be hard, frustrating, and confusing at first. But if you take some time to learn and get used to it, you'll get into a good rhythm and start to really love it!

    And don't worry about asking too many questions! It's my job to make your life easier during this transition ;)

    1. Luckily, I have worked with Wordpress for work, so I do know some of it, but now that it's for me to use, I feel like I am forgetting everything.

  5. Moving is definitely nerve racking, but you are going to LOVE WordPress! It has so much more functionality, you are going to wonder why you didn't make the switch sooner. There's definitely a bit of a learning curve at first, so take a deep breath, and you'll be fine. :)

    1. I know, but I hate learning curves!!!! I just want it to be one month from now and it all be okay. lol.

  6. Just breath. You will be OK. I follow Ashley and have referred others to her. If I ever get the jimmies to switch, she's the one I'm going to. I love the WP look and have heard great things. Breath and eat chocolate! Looking forward to your new blog.

  7. You'll be okay (as someone who has not done the move yet says). Everyone I know who has done the move to wordpress has had little to no issues. GOOD LUCK! I cannot WAIT to see the new design.

  8. You'll be fine dear, trust me, I've been in the same place just few months before!
    It's a real smart move to shift to wordpress. You'll be happy that you took this decision. And your new blog name is beautiful.
    All the very best :)

  9. It will be AWESOME! Can't wait to check out Bad Bird Reads :)

  10. Tip: Don't even worry about re-setting up all your old blog posts. Just forget about it and let it go. 3 years worth of posts to re-do is a pain in the ass and will add so much stress you don't even need. Just focus on the new posts:)
    I spent about a week or two after I switched trying to redo posts until I just said fuck it!
    Congrats on your new blog, love the name. It fits!

    1. HAHA, I was just thinking that. I mean, how often do people really look at old posts? Maybe I will just fix the book reviews, but slowly.

  11. Woohoo!! You are in the best hands, so don't freak out too much. I know how you feel though. Can't wait to see the new blog!

  12. Congratulations!! I'm excited to see the new design. I'm sure it's going to be awesome!!

    1. I really hope everyone loves it. I had the banner idea in my head for like a year now.

  13. OMG Zane and I were just singing Happy Happy Joy Joy to each other yesterday. I love the new blog name. Everything will go smoothly, and you know what, even if it doesn't you can figure it out. You're very smart and have great help apparently with Ashley. Good luck! I'll be looking out for the new theme :D Can't wait to see it! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    1. LOL, I totally sing Happy Happy Joy Joy when I get nervous or scared.

  14. Happy moving day! After you move there will be lots that needs tweaking. Especially if you get UBB and want to add your old reviews to it. Don't panic, little by little you will get it done. I moved a year ago and it's the best thing I ever did.

  15. are moving now and I am so excited. Ashley is a dream, and you are in good hands..three months from now you will be kicking yourself for not having done this sooner. Welcome to the dark side my friend!

  16. No, dear, thank you
    for lettin' us spout:
    ♡ ♡


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