Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Kindle & Nook Freebies #77

Kindle Freebies
Click image to be taken to Amazon page. These are free as of 3:30am EST, I cannot guarantee they will be free the whole day.

I am looking forward to Tangled Beauty, Tall, Tatted and Tempting, and Maliciously Obedient.
Nook Freebies

Which ebooks did you grab? Have you read any of these before?



  1. *wonders slyly how jam packed your e-reader is*

  2. Thanks, Jennifer ... just what I need, more books. ;)

  3. Added some reading material to my account, lol :D Maliciously Obedient looks smexeh, and was still free. Some of them weren't by now, which helps keep the number of things to read to a lower one, lol, and me closer to a sanity-like state of mind. Okay, loosely resembling sanity, but still...

    Thanks for the tips! :)

    1. LOL, good idea though. Come in late and that way there is less temptation since some aren't free anymore.


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