Thursday, April 10, 2014

Review: GUNS: The Spencer Book by J.A. Huss (Blog Tour & Giveaway)
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Rook and Ronin Spinoff Series

by J.A. Huss

Publisher: Science Future Press (March 2014)
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Suspense, Adult
Format: eBook (Novel length)
Source: Free book from blog tour for honest review
Find It: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Rating: ★★★½☆ (3.5 stars)

Spencer Shrike is a man with a plan. Get in. Get out. Move on. He loves Ron the Bomb, and her safety is the only thing on his mind these days. But life is a tricky bastard, and conning criminals for the better part of ten years brings its own set of problems. Sure, Rook lied her way out of a sticky situation, covering for crimes Ronin, Ford, and Spencer committed, and getting them all off scot-free in the process.

But not everyone is buying Rook’s story, and Spencer is desperate to figure out who’s in town setting them up for a fall.

Veronica the Bombshell Vaughn has put up with Spencer Shrike’s shit for years and where has it gotten her? A big fat nowhere. No ring, no house, no kids, and no promises. In fact, Spencer is worse than ever—completely distant and moody. She’s done sitting at home, pining over a man she can’t have.

But she’s not opposed to fighting for him.

Ron the Bomb fights hard and she fights dirty, so she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get Spencer’s attention.

But now there’s another man in town with his eye on her. He’s got secrets too, but unlike Spencer, Bobby Mansi is more than willing to let Veronica in on them.

The entire Rook and Ronin series comes full circle. Every con, every lie, and every skeleton in the closet is back for one final shot at vengeance and the only way to set it right…  is to get out the guns.
At A Glance
Not as good as the rest of the series, but it was nice to get into Spencer and Veronica's head.

The Good
So it seems like this might be the last book of both the Rook and Ronin Series and the Spinoff. Wow, it has been a wild ride. I have read every book of both series except the two novellas, which I will read eventually. Huss did an amazing job of creating interesting and unique characters that really held these series together.

I am so happy to have finally got to know Veronica more. She is so strong and badass, but her soft (if I dare say, weak) side surprised me. She is so full of emotion and passion. Honestly, she deserves better than Spencer. I felt so bad for her as the whole group kept her out of the loop. I would have felt excluded and hurt too. And even though she almost always gave into Spencer and his wandering hands (and tongue), she did give him a run for his money. Oh, and she knows how to shoot a gun like an effing pro. Much respect.

Spencer is a total douche. I knew his heart was in the right place as he continued to push Veronica away in the meanest ways possible, but it wasn't right. But when we got into his POV, with all his super-charged, heavy feelings for Veronica, I couldn't help but love him again. That was the Spencer I remembered. And, dear God, the things he could do with paint. It about made me blush up and down. I think I may have to find me an artist scratch this new itch Spencer gave me. *shivers*

The suspense and mystery that weaved through Spencer and Veronica's story was really good but really stressful. I hated seeing the team in such a defeated state. We do get to see the whole gang and how their relationships are going. I loved that part. The writing was good and the dialogue, as always, was great.

The best part was the Epilogue. OMG, so effing cute. I can't give it away, but I literally can't imagine a more fun potential for another series. down the road. 

The Bad
I feel like I am the only on who isn't giving this book 5 stars, and I hate that. First, it was hard for me to like Spencer for the longest time as he destroyed Veronica's self-esteem and love. He was such an a**hole, it was almost unbearable. And his reasoning was thin to me. There were so many other ways to handle this situation.

Even though I loved seeing Spencer and Veronica be all cute and romantic, I hated that we only got that with flashbacks. I despise flashbacks. I always want to skip them even if they are interesting. I want to stay in the current story, not jump back over and over again into things that cannot be changed.

The ending was confusing. I just didn't see how everything was truly resolved. I still had questions. I still had worries.

The Snuggly
Because Spencer was such a jerk to Veronica most of the time, it was hard to enjoy the romance. But the flashbacks had the sweetest moments in romance EVER! But it was the rough, hot, degrading sex that got me. Wow. Just yummy! I know this book is labeled new adult but there is notway I can agree. This is adult and almost borders on erotica.

Final Thoughts
I very, highly recommend the Rook and Ronin Series and the Spinoff. These books are not without their problems but I often found myself not caring because the characters and stories sucked me right in and never let go. And even though GUNS wasn't what I was expecting, I still enjoyed myself. Very recommended, but only if you have read the other books in the series. This wouldn't work as a stand-alone.
His lips crush against mine and my knees just give out. I’m weak. Whenever he touches me I am so, so weak.

“Shhhh. Don't cry, Ronnie. Just tell me what we like, so I can remember. Because I lost my way, baby.”  

"Spencer walked into my life, tipped me upside down, and shook the love right out of me. My love spills out all over the place. My love piles up at his feet."

"No one knows how much I love her. And that’s the whole reason I continue to break her heart, time after time after time. I never want this shit we’re in to touch her again."
Author Bio
JA Huss is the author of the Amazon bestselling Rook and Ronin series, the epic science fiction I Am Just Junco series, and hundreds of kid-friendly science books in subjects such as biology, physics, anatomy and physiology, astronomy, and forensics. She has an undergraduate degree in equine science and a master’s degree in forensic toxicology. She has never taken a creative writing class and she hopes she never will.
Rook and Ronin Spinoff Series:
TAUT: The Ford Book
GUNS: The Spencer Book
Rook and Ronin Series:
Book #1: Tragic
Book #2: Manic
Book #3: Panic

This is a Tour Wide Giveaway.


  1. It's always weird when you're the only reviewer who doesn't feel the same way about a certain book; makes you wonder if you read the same story as everyone else. I'm glad you still enjoyed this one in spite of its flaws. It sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for the review!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    1. This whole series is crazy good, but I am a little sad about not liking the ending so much.

  2. I read and LOVED Tragic, so now that it looks like the rest of the series/spin-off is finished, I guess I should get on with the rest of them, huh? I'm sorry this wasn't a strong ending for you, but glad that you loved the series overall. I'll make sure to prepare myself for Spencer's jackholeness ;)

    1. Oh yeah, major jackholeness! I hope you end up loving this series as much as I did.

  3. I can see why you had a hard time with Spencer and the way he treated Ronnie. I'm glad that you still enjoy this one as a whole though. I am curious to see what Huss does with the epilogue we got at the end. Great review.

    1. OMG, that epilogue. I swear, I am still thinking about it.

  4. I'm still only at book 1 - I know I suck! haha - but it sounds like the series overall is very much worth the read and the spin-offs too which I love bc we get glimpses of other characters. I wish every series did that! Glad you still liked it even if you didn't really click with Spencer. He sounds like one that has to grow on you.

    1. Well, I loved Spencer in the main series so it was so weird to hate him in his spinoff. But I still like him overall. You need to finish this series!!

  5. Sad to hear that the ending was confusing but glad it was still fun.

  6. I totally hate it when a man is bringing a woman down messing with how she feels about her self worth!

  7. I actually love it when the epilogue is the best part of the story. Huss is great. I haven't read this particular series, but I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

  8. I am so going to read this spin-off series. I like the sound of this better than Rook and Ronin!

    1. Really? Hmm, I wonder. You need to read Fords book first though.

  9. I already have Tragic and plan to read it VERY soon. I keep hearing how good this and the original series is, so I just need to make it a priority.

  10. I wish they would stop calling books like this NA >.< they really are adult no matter how you swing it.


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