Saturday, May 3, 2014

Stacking The Shelves #75: The King

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews, is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual.
I won this one from Stephanie at Paranormal Haven. Thanks girl. I love Ward!.

For Review:
Physical Copies
HarperCollins went cray cray with me this week. Three books in the mail in three days. Obvi I am looking forward to After the End. That has been on my TBR list.
 I have heard good things so far so I am excited for this one.
This one is new to me but I love that cover.
Talker 25 by Joshua McCune

This one kept calling to me so I finally caved. Seems different.
The Shadow Master by Craig Cormick
I am all about the Wallflower books right now.
What a Wallflower Wants by Maya Rodale
Have you read any of these books before? Which one should I read first? What did you get this week?


  1. I also got After the End for review. Can't wait to start it, hopefully soon. Happy reading!

  2. I keep reading good things about After The End. I hope you enjoy it and the rest of your books this week!

  3. I have After the End but not had the chance to read it yet, it sounds good though. Enjoy!

  4. After The End wasn't for me, but I hope you enjoy it! :D Nice haul, happy reading!

  5. Ah After The End!

    Enjoy, luv! <33

  6. That's nice, you had a lot of great books! Happy reading lady!

  7. Heaps of awesome books here Jennifer, Sleep No More and The King look really good!I hope you enjoy them!

    Here's my STS this week.

  8. Nice haul. I haven't read any of these. They all look interesting. Hope you enjoy them all.

    My STS @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  9. OH After The End!! I really want to try that! I'm always a sucker for those sort of apocalyptic and dystopic books. Survival is fascinating, I reckon. ;) My StS!

    1. Me too, they tend to depress me a bit but they are mostly worth it.

  10. I've read 2 out of the 3 Harper books, still waiting to read ATE. Will have to check out your review to see if we jive in our feelings about Talker 25 and Sleep No More. Have a great weekend!

  11. OOh very nice haul! Haven't gotten any books from pubs in a long time it seems. And even when I did occasionally get one, it was outside my reading genre. So weird. Oh well!

    Hope you enjoy all your shiny new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Awww, that sucks. I only just started getting books from publishers without asking for them. Don't know why.

  12. that was very nice of HarperCollins to send you those books. I always like in books in the mail because it's a nice surprise. I still have to read the earlier books in BDB series.

    Books of Love

  13. I read the kind and thought and it was pretty good. I hope you enjoy it and the rest of your books :)

    My Haul!

  14. oh What a Wallflower Wants by Maya Rodale looks really good! enjoy your new reads!

  15. lol - Tor does that with me, every now and then I'll get 3-4 books within days of each other, and then nothing for awhile. I really want to read After the End but heard the cliffie is killer, so I'm going to wait.

    1. LOL, I just love publishers like that.

      Oh no, not a cliffhanger!!!

  16. oooh, some awesome new books. looking forward to hearing about them :)

  17. A nice haul! I enjoyed Sleep No More and After the End, I hope you do too.

    Have a great week and happy reading :-)

    Sharon - Obsession with Books

  18. Oh I love winning books and having them mailed to me. Great haul! I'm interested in The King and After the End. Hope you're having a great weekend :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    1. I have heard good and bad things about After the End so I am nervous.

  19. I will wait for your thoughts on The King

    1. I am nervous for that one. People don't seem to like it.

  20. The Wallflower book..woot! I am enjoying this series myself. Nice haul Jennifer :)

  21. These are all so awesome!!! Hope you like all of your new books! xoxo

  22. After The End looks so good! And Sleep No More looks fascinating too although I didn't like Pike's fairy series. Enjoy your new books Jen! x

  23. THE KING! Omg I can't believe I forgot to include him in my haul! Aggghhhhh. So excited to read it :D. Awesome haul!

    Here's my Showcase Sunday

    I'm hosting a Mental Health Awareness Month in June too! If you'd like to find out more or join in that would be great :)

  24. I love the Wallflower books too! I'm jealous that you got After the looks really good. I love JR Ward, but I'm still waiting to get the King from the library. Happy reading!

    1. I actually have to go get the last two books before The King, I am behind.

  25. Shadow Master sounds great and hope you enjoy. Happy Reading and Weekend!

  26. Awesome grabs! I've seen some really good reviews of After the End, so I hope it's gonna be a really cool read. Ward's novel looks yummificent, of course, and Shadow Master covergasm moment, lol!
    I wouldn't know which one to start with, honestly...

    1. Totally covergasm!

      I have high hopes for After the End.

  27. The Shadow Master looks amazing! It looks like you've got a good haul! I'm a new follower!
    Thanks for sharing :) I hope you enjoy all of your books!
    My Monday post
    Juli @ Universe inWords

  28. You scored some great looking reads, Jennifer. I haven't read any of them yet. I really need to get caught up on BDB so I can read King, though. :) Happy reading!

  29. JR Ward is one of those authors I DESPERATELY need to read. I hope you enjoy your haul :) My STS


I appreciate all comments and read every one of them. I also make sure to visit your site as well if you have one. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.