Saturday, December 8, 2012

Stacking The Shelves #13: Signed Beautiful Disaster

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews, is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual.
So, for some reason, I always wait to do a Stacking The Shelves until I have received physical books. I get ebooks all the time but I always forget to mention them here. Most are free. But anyways. I think I like doing just the physical books for now because if I showed you guys how many digital books I get each week you might get scared.

Anyways, I got some good books this week. Two I bought. One is Captive After Dark, which was recommended by a reliable book blogger. I read Beautiful Disaster and LOVED IT, so I bought the limited time signed addition. The rest of the books I won in giveaways. She Wulf is signed as well.

Okay, okay, I have to mentioned one ebook I got because The Secret of Ella and Micha is really cheap ($0.99) and it is getting pretty popular. You guys should check it out.

Click pic to purchase for $0.99

Have any of you read any of these books? Which should I read first?


  1. Captive In the Dark is mind blowingly amazing! Get ready for a mind fuck! Loved Beautiful Disaster and The Secret of Ella and Micha. So sooooo freaking good!!!

    1. LOL. I just started reading Captive in the Dark and you are right, it is blowing my mind.

  2. I'm also overflowing with e-books; especially with new releases I'm dying to read. I can't wait for the physical books to arrive. LOL! Also got Beautiful Disaster this week but it's not signed :( That would have been awesome since I absolutely loved it! Recently finished The Secret of Ella and Micha and it was so good! :)

    1. Yaaay, so happy Ella and Micha is good. I just love the cover. I am so excited to read it.

      I love when books arrive in the mail, it's like christmas every time. :)

  3. I enjoyed Cold Fury and I really want to try Beautiful Disaster. The New Adult genre is getting really popular lately. Happy reading! :)

    My Haul

    1. Oh good. I wasn't sure about Cold Fury. It sounds good. I would highly recommend Beautiful Disaster.

  4. OOh nice! Those are new to me but I hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Nice haul! Think your list might be a bit long if you did all your free ebooks as well!

    1. I know. It would be a novel length post with ebooks. lol

  6. Excellent Haul! I agree with your statement about the free eBooks. I mean, gee, if we added them every week, there would be total madness ensuing! Have a great weekend!

  7. Outstanding! I picked up ella and micha, too! Can't wait to read it! I still haven't read Beautiful Disaster, but it's somewhere in my kindle! lol

    1. WHAAAAT!? Must. Read. Beautiful Disaster. Like now!!! So amazing.

  8. I haven't gotten the chance to get Beautiful Disaster :) I heard some great things about it. SO I might get that soon. I really enjoyed Cold Fury and seriously want to read Wintergirls! Awesome haul!

    My Haul!

    1. I never heard of Wintergirls until now. Can't wait to read it. You must read Beautiful Disaster!!!

  9. I can't wait to see what you think of Captive in the Dark!!! I really hope you like it! And as I've probably said to you like 8 times, Seduced in the Dark is even better!! Also I've had my eye on Cold Fury so I'll be looking out for your review on that one!

    I also bought the signed edition of Beautiful Disaster, but it's sitting at my house in California and I'm still in the UK for two more weeks.. please tell me, is it amazing??? Is it beautiful?? Have you kissed it and licked it and stroked it yet??

    1. I have Captive in the Dark and Seduced in the Dark on my radar, and it's getting around more and more, which makes me really want to read it. I think that's going to happen during Christmas break, coz it's really bugging me by now. ^^

      Ohhh signed copy! I would've loved one! But I have to admit I'm also a little too penny-pinching, so I'm going to wait on the paperback edition, which will not be signed. *le sigh*
      But I can imagine you both being totally gaga over you loved new shiny editions, esp you Ashley. ^^ I hope you're going to love it a loooong time once you get home. =)

    2. Ashley: So far so good, with Captive in the Dark. Just started reading it.

      As for Beautiful Disaster, it's everything I could imagine. And yes, I know it tastes and smells beautiful as well, from personal experience. But don't tell anyone. They would think I am not right in the head. O_o

    3. Caro: I know what you mean about penny pinching. I wasn't going to get it since I have a ecopy already but my mom talked me into it. I think she knew I wanted it and was only thinking of the money. But to hell with it.

      Can't wait to see what you think of Captive in the Dark.

  10. I hope you enjoy Wintergirls & all the others.

  11. Devil's Thief was very good. Great haul of books. I hope you enjoy them as well. Captive in the Dark looks awesome. Heard good things about Beautiful Disaster.


    1. Yaaay, someone who knows about Devil's Thief. Thanks for letting me know.

  12. Great haul! I too still need to read Beautiful Disaster.

  13. That is an amazing haul! I have Beautiful Disaster on my shelf and haven't picked it up...but because of your review I keep thinking about it - lol - soon I tell myself, soon!! Enjoy your goodies, can't wait to read the reviews!! -e

  14. I've heard a lot about Beautiful Disaster, congrats on signed copy.
    Happy reading and have a great week!
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  15. Nice haul! Cold Fury sounds great. I wasn't a huge fan of Beautiful Disaster though. I hope you enjoy all that you got. Happy reading!

    My STS post

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books

  16. Wow, signed Beautiful Disaster!!! I've read it and enjoyed it too! :)
    Happy reading! Here's mine:

  17. Thanks for letting me know about Cold Fury. :)

  18. Nice ones. I just finished the Secret of Ella and Micha, even though I don't normally read non paranormal books. It was good, did it for book tour. Posted the review today,:)

    Stacking the Shelves & In My Mailbox

    1. I didn't read non paranomal books for the longest time but contemp romance is starting to get really interesting.

  19. Great haul! I want almost all of these myself! Enjoy!

    My Haul.

  20. Great haul this week. I have The Secret of Ella and Micha to read, can't wait to start it. Happy reading!

    Katie ~ My Mailbox

  21. Several new books there. :) Sounds like a great haul. Hope you enjoy them when you get to them. Have a great week dear.


I appreciate all comments and read every one of them. I also make sure to visit your site as well if you have one. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.