Saturday, June 21, 2014

Stacking The Shelves #82: The Bodies We Wear

Note: I have had a few complaints that people keep getting pop-up ads or being redirected to an ad website when trying to visit my blog. I am very sorry for this. I have no idea what's going on. I am not doing this on purpose. I am not smart enough in this area to figure out what the hell is going on either. I have researched this problem for hours and have come up with nothing. If any of you happen to know how I can fix this, I would appreciate a shout out. If not, all I can ask is that you guys remain patient because I am moving to wordpress in August. I will be getting a new design and a new name. I can only hope that gets ride of whatever is messing with my blog. I am about to cry over this it's so frustrating, but I feel like I am sh*t out of luck.
Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews, is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual.
For Review:
Okay, this sounds badass! I swear, you guys need to check it out.
Who doesn't love a book set in New Orleans?
I really liked the first book of the series but the second book got super preachy. I can't help but want to see what happens in this third and final installment.

I saw this all over last week and I was intrigued by the blurb so I know I have to give it a chance. Yay, female pirates!
I can't resist a highlander book!
 My Highland Spy by Victoria Roberts
I liked the first book though most people didn't. I am reading the second book soon, so I couldn't pass up grabbing the third.
 The Alliance by Shannon Stoker
Have you read any of these books before? Which one should I read first? What did you get this week?


  1. Hmm...that's really weird that this is happening to you. I haven't had any problems with visiting your blog at all :|

    I hope you enjoy The Bodies We Wear! I've seen that one quite a lot these days.

    Happy reading! <33

  2. That crazy pop-up and guide to another web page doesn't happen MOST of the time you use IE. I think its only Chrome. I didn't have any problems this morning getting the this web page is a spam blog. We have several of the same books this week. Looking pensive at seeing how The Alliance brings everything together. Have a great weekend!

    1. I use IE so maybe that's why it doesn't happen to me.

  3. I'm with you on The House of Four Winds. Pirates are awesome, but FEMALE pirates AND fantasy. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be great ;)

    1. LOL, I am the biggest fan of females in normally male roles, you know.

  4. Oh no, it sucks that that been happening to your blog. Personally I've had no problems at all, but I hope it gets fixed soon. So many awesome books, enjoy them all lovely x

    1. Thanks so much. If anything, hopefully it's only happening to a few people.

  5. Oh no! That's horrible! I hate technical issues like that! I am so technologically challenged! I hate it!

    Nice new reads though! These are all new to me but I hope you enjoy them!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Yay, I got The House of Four Winds too! Can't wait to read it!

  7. I haven't read any of these but happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  8. Will check out The Bodies We Wear coz you're excited...

    It didn't happen today, the ad hijack, but when It does, I will take screenshots and send you the link. Happy weekend, lady!

  9. These all look good. I can't resist those highlander books when I'm in the mood to read them. I also got The House of Four Winds. Nice haul. I see a few that are new to me.

    Books of Love

    1. I am OBSESSED with highlander books!!! I don't always review them though. I read too many.

  10. Nice haul, you've got a great mix of books this week. The Bodies We Wear has peaked my interest a lot this week, really tempted to try that one myself. I hope you have a great reading week and enjoy all of your new additions :) Here's my STS.

  11. I have one of these, the pirate one and I can't wait to try it. I hope you'll enjoy all your new books. Happy reading!

  12. Sweet Unrest has a crazy awesome cover.

  13. There is a virus that peeps get that causes music and ads to pop up on blogger. It might not be you at all..but I am glad you are coming to the dark side!

    1. Hmm, I wonder. But it did happen to three different people, so I am not sure.

  14. I love books set in New Orleans. I lived there for awhile so it's super nostalgic for me. Happy reading! My STS.

  15. Oh i haven't heard of any of these but i'm loving the covers! They sound like great reads so hopefully you enjoy! Happy reading :)

    1. I get so excited when books I want to read have great covers.

  16. I couldn't resist My Highland Spy either. I just had to request it.:)

    My STS:

  17. The House of the Four Winds looks really interesting to me. I'd love to see what that one is all about. I hope you enjoy your haul :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    1. I am hoping it is amazing because the hype is getting me excited.

  18. I'm not familiar with any of these books, but I hope that you enjoy them when you read them. Happy reading! :)
    Stacking the Shelves
    Free to Fall

  19. I use Chrome and I don't have pop-ups coming up whilst visiting your blog. I am also not very technical in this side either to help you out. But I'm pretty sure your followers will follow you to Wordpress - I know I am! ^_^

    And I love reading your 'stacking the shelves' it always gives me new ideas for books and wanting to try other genres. I am definitely going to try The House of Four Winds - never read a book about female pirates or any pirates really...
    And I love a good Highlander book so this one will appear on my wishlist on Amazon as well so I can buy books from there.

    Thanks for the lovely post! ^_^

    1. Happy to know it's not a follower wide problem, just a few people, for now.

      I have high hopes for Four Winds. everyone is grabbing it.

  20. I would pick The Bodies We Wear, find out if it's as kickass as the cover and title promises :)

    My additions this week ;)

  21. Revolutionary sounds good, hope that you enjoy!

  22. I want you to read The Bodies We Wear! It sounds fabulous! :) You picked up some great-looking books, Jennifer.

    I'm sorry you're having issues with the ads. It hasn't happened to me when I've visited your sight. But it has happened on another blog I follow (on wordpress). I'll check with her to see if she knows anything. Good luck!


I appreciate all comments and read every one of them. I also make sure to visit your site as well if you have one. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.