Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Guest Post: Surrender the Sky by Meradeth Houston (Blog Tour & Giveaway)
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Welcome to the Surrender the Sky Blog Tour. This is definitely a book I want to read. I love new kinds of races and dark secrets to be kept. Fun, fun, fun! I hope you guys enjoy the guest post below and don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end.

Surrender the Sky by Meradeth Houston
Publication date: May 2nd 2014
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult

Find It: Goodreads | Amazon
Gabby lives by two unbreakable rules: don’t expose her kind, the Sary, and don’t fall in love—too bad some rules are made to be broken.

When Gabby’s most difficult charge accidentally shoots her in front of a class full of students, the event exposes her carefully hidden identity. She shifts from looking like a normal teen to her secret Sary form, revealing her wings and the existence of her kind—immortals who try to keep people from committing suicide. Her incident attracts the attention of the next leader of the Sary, Jassen, who offers her an impossible bargain: she can keep her wings if she makes amends with those who know the truth. Things get more complicated when a rebel Sary, intent on exposing them to the world, starts interfering with Gabby’s work. And there’s no denying her attraction to Jassen, who is torn between his duties and his heart. With threats at every turn and her immortality on the line, Gabby has to find a way to save the Sary or surrender the sky forever.

The History (Background) of the Sary
by Meradeth Houston

Thanks so much for having me here today! I thought I’d talk a little about the background of the Sary, to give a better idea of what they are and what they do .
In a nutshell, the Sary are the souls of those who die before they can take their first breath. This comes from the whole “breath of life” concept that’s prevalent in many different cultures. Anyhow, without this breath of life, they get stuck in a bit of cosmic limbo. They haven’t ever really lived, so dying means something a little different. Basically, they have a choice: experience the afterlife without a claim on a physical form, or come back to earth and join the Sary. Doing the latter comes with a cost: they’ll spend their time here as a guardian—someone who helps keep people from committing suicide or otherwise harming themselves. I think one of my characters describes it as being a “cosmic suicide prevention hotline,” which kind of works.
Anyhow, the Sary blend in with people and work with those they’ve been assigned to help, doing their best to get them through rough patches in life. Their role is supposed to be totally a secret, especially the fact that they aren’t allowed to show anyone their true form, which has wings and looks pretty obviously otherworldly. Sharing their secret means they’re released from the world of the Sary and made mortal again. Surrender the Sky deals with the repercussions of a Sary, Gabby, having an “accident” and showing her wings to a classroom full of people. This doesn’t go over so well with the Sary leadership, though there may be some changes in the air.
Even though the Sary are immortal, they are a bit uncertain about how the Sary originally got their start. The older Sary would say that they’ve been here as long as people have been around—others might give a different story. But today they work hard to keep as many people as possible from succumbing to the darkness of their own sadness and depression.
I hope you get a chance to check out one of the Sary Society novels, and learn a little more about the Sary!

Author Bio

Meradeth’s never been a big fan of talking about herself, but if you really want to know, here are some random tidbits about her:

>She’s a Northern California girl. This generally means she talks too fast and use “like” a lot.
>When she’s not writing, she’s sequencing dead people’s DNA. For fun!
>She’s been writing since she was 11 years old. It’s her hobby, her passion, and she’s so happy to get to share her work!
>If she could have a super-power, it would totally be flying. Which is a little strange, because she’s terrified of heights.
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This is a Tour Wide Giveaway


  1. Oh i hadn't heard of this one before but i love how the author included the background on the Sary in your post! So helpful! Thanks for putting this book on my radar!

  2. I didn't know about the Sary but it's really interesting to learn the history. thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting me today!!

  4. I'd never really heard of the Sary before now it's kind of fascinating! Thanks for being on the tour, Jennifer! :)

  5. The guest post is great. I am curious about the Sary now. Thanks for sharing this!

  6. Such a great guest post! I love learning about author's creations like this. A very interesting concept and twist on things we already know, so the Sary are easy to believe in. Thanks so much for sharing :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.


I appreciate all comments and read every one of them. I also make sure to visit your site as well if you have one. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.